Monday, April 14, 2014

Day 274: 4-14-14

Good Morning!!!

Day 273: 4-13-14

Naptime!!! Hard work helping Jake and Kenzie move their stuff out!!!

Day 272: 4-12-14

Came home to two nappers!!!

Day 271: 4-11-14

 Gets to sit on the 4wheeler! What fun!!!

Day 270: 4-10-14

Jeff may have taken this on the 8th???

Day 269: 4-9-14

Loves the gate!

Day 268: 4-8-14

Day 267: 4-7-14

 I will climb over these sheets to look at myself!!!
 At the vet with Lillian, Pepper and Oty for checkups

Running around outside while mom and dad fix things!

Day 266: 4-6-14

 Cassi's Confirmation Day!!!!!

 Congrats Cassi!!!!
 Headed back home after Confirmation
 Got home and she started carrying around a picture of Faith (she can't reach the boys' pictures)

Day 265: 4-5-14

 Hanging out in Dickinson!!!

Day 264: 4-4-14

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Day 261: 4-1-14

When Jeff picked Lillian up at daycare they told him, "Your daughter is a genious! She stacked 4 blocks on top each other today! We don't usually see that until 18 months."  So...walking, feeding herself, and now stacking blocks! She's growing up too fast!

Day 260:3-31-14

videos today but no pics?  Flew back to Billings.  Fussed some on this plane ride, the first 30 minutes of the hour and 30 minute plane ride weren't to comfy for her.... and no sleeping this time

Day 259: 3-30-14

 Enjoying bathtime
Out checking cows with Papa and Uncle Tyler

Day 258: 3-29-14

Went for a walk!
 Started awake and enjoying...
 Ended the walk asleep as usual
 Loved the cows!

 Got to see Philly, Will, Jake and Kenzie!

Fell asleep with Papa

Day 257: 3-28-14

Lil and I flew home to see the folks! Played the first half hr of the plane ride, then slept the last hour.

Day 256: 3-27-14


Day 255: 3-26-14

Hanging out with Vicki before Wednesday Church Service

Day 254: 3-25-14
